Disclaimer – I’m responsible for what i write and not what you understand. I believe a positive mind finds many positive perspectives from a negatively written article and otherwise.
Just look at this pic for a while. A non analytical view would suggest, a man is holding onto the rock. But that is at a physical level. But ask any “SUCCESSFUL” rock climber and he will tell you, what this guy could be really hanging onto.
1. He could be hanging onto a desire to LIVE.
2. He could be hanging onto his FEARS.
While the desire to live is associated with the BIGGER than SELF – ROCK, our FEARS are the ones which add on to our weight and contribute to our PAIN of hanging in there.
Its these fears (False Experiences Assumed Real) that hold us back from reaching our true potential. Its LETTING GO of the feeling of “BEING LIKED” by others, the feeling of “COMFORT” and the feeling of “BEING RIGHT” that ultimately contribute to we “BEING A WINNER”
Here is a suggested list that you must LET GO & Get Clarity on -
1. OPO – Other Peoples Opinion about you and what your life and what you do to live happy.
2. What you THINK is true v/s what the TRUTH actually is.
3. What your ULTIMATE GOAL is. Is it really your goal or is it been embedded into you since young by others ?
And here is something you can do to understand the seriousness of TIME.
Go to the nearest cremation ground. Stand at the gate and count the number of dead who are brought there who are AS OLD AS YOU ARE !
HANG ON to your Dreams and Let go of the UNWANTED !
Chakradhari Rowe
Life and Business Coach