Part -1
I’ve met many who love sleeping. Me included. Sleeping is such an amazing way to burn calories. Its so peaceful. You are the king. Using our mind we could make an entire army follow our command, have a chocolate factory for real (in my dream), live in that dream home, drive that dream car, have that dream vacation and what not. Its just so amazing. I can have, be, do anything I want. And just when I’m about to enjoy that dream ……….
Some instantly lose it and bang it to silence, some deep asleep take a while to do the same. But a question came to my mind one morning. The morning when I lost it and actually banged my alarm to permanent silence. I was woken up just after 2hrs of sleep that I had after 40hours of work.
I’m guessing it was my heart that asked me - Why did you bang the alarm to death ? It was YOU who bought it. YOU who set it. Why did you bang the clock and not YOURSELF ?
For once I started to think with my heart. I was dead tired working all day yesterday. I knew I was far away from living my dreams with what I was doing. Was frustrated. Everyday I would dream of my dreams that I badly wanted to come true. Sleep was the only place I could see them, feel them, experience them. And then I started to sleep more. This was more COMFORTABLE to do. I was beginning to get very very serious to achieve my dreams. But in my dreams. I was almost on the verge of BELIEVEING that it was not possible to live my dreams in reality. Everything around me had started to make me feel I was just becoming a robot. A robot who has 3 Remote controls. One used by the family to get what they want, one used by the BOSS to get what he wants and one used by the Society to make me who they want me to be.
And just when I thought I had lost complete control over me……….something amazing happened. The pain I was going thru triggered the REAL ALARM.
We all come in this world with a objective to achieve. This objective is a mixture of Mental, Physical, Emotional, Financial & Spiritual experience we want to have, that we decide before we come. The REAL ALARM is set at this point of time. For each of the experiences, there has been an alarm set by US/GOD (Considering we are not different from god and have him in every cell of our being, as per the Veda’s.)
Now the job of this ALARM is to go off every time we are going off from our track. Now the question is how does this alarm sound ? and how do I recognize it is for me ?
From the time we are born till the age of 8yrs, it is said that we develop our ‘critical filters’ (a technical term for the filter that helps us decide between the right and the wrong). This filter is shaped mostly by the mindsets of people around us. The way they react to a certain action or situation. Now if you are born among people who have lived an inspired life, either by being an inspiration to others or being inspired, your critical filter will have developed in the way it is supposed to be. The way it would lead you to the fulfillment of your life plan. Behind our filter is our subconscious. The same which is connected to the creator. But, most of us are not lucky to be born in such families. Rather such inspirational families are rare in todays world.
As kids we all have shared the great things we want to do when we grow up. The number of things starts to reduce with the age picking up. By the time we are 12-14yrs, we fix our eyes on a couple of things out of that list. This is when the world considers us to be a LITTLE matured (Sad but true. Maturity is often considered to be thinking like others do or within the limits of possibility, which is again defined by fellow humans) This is the time when we share our dreams with our friends in school. I’m sure if you remember your best friend from school, you would remember he sharing with you what he/she wanted to become. Our friends are the first and the foremost ALARM for us. It is they who ask us how close we are or how serious we are to becoming what we declared we would.
Most of our friends just ask us once or twice and then based on our ignoring their reminder fade out with time. However, some get a little annoying. They get annoying coz they make fun of our commitment to what we said we would become and didn’t. It is these annoying friends who live up to their real purpose of being alarms in our life. And what do we do with such friends ? We ridicule, abuse, call them names and what not. This is when we begin to Snooze our ALARM.
Spend some time reflecting on the above. And do share if you have a point of view……while I prepare the second part of this blog ! There, we’ll look at other ways how we are reminded of our Goals or the Other ALARM.
To be contd……